Do you know what is HIV?

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
It is a type of retrovirus that contains RNA as its genetic information and have the enzyme reverse transcriptase.
This virus produce the DNA copy of its RNA when it infects a cell.


AIDS stands for the Acquired Immune Deficiency Symdrome
AIDS is caused by the virus HIV.
It is the advance level of the infection of HIV.
Once the body has reached the level of AIDS....there is NO CURE, ONLY DEATH!!!
But treatments are recommended to prolong the lifespan of the patient.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How does lifestyle effect the transmission of HIV?

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The way this diseases is transmitted can be divided into two categories:
i)non-sexual transmission
ii)sexual transmission

i)Non-sexual transmission
(A) Sharing Needles
Needles used for injecting:
-Injecting Drugs /Steroids
-Tattooing, body art and piercing.
*If the person who has used the needle is infected with HIV, his or her blood on the needle can infect anyone else who uses the same needle.

(B) Blood Transfusion
i)Blood used for surgery
ii)Blood donations
iii)Organ donations
iv)Cut wounds

(C) Mother to Infant Transmission (MTIT)
If a mother is infected with HIV the virus can be transmitted to the baby:
i)before birth
ii)during the delivery process
iii)from breastfeeding.
iv)delivering by caesarean section

ii)Sexual transmission
Sexual intercourse
i)anal /rectum
ii)vaginal sex - HIV-infected semen, vaginal fluid, or menstrual blood comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the vagina or penis
iii)oral sex
iv)sexually transmitted diseases

*SEXUAL ACTIVITIES: homosexuality, bisexuality, promiscuity, prostitution


  1. wow...never knew it was so serious...
    hope u get updated soon

  2. great stuff guys..
    keep up the good work..
    all the best=]
