Do you know what is HIV?

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
It is a type of retrovirus that contains RNA as its genetic information and have the enzyme reverse transcriptase.
This virus produce the DNA copy of its RNA when it infects a cell.


AIDS stands for the Acquired Immune Deficiency Symdrome
AIDS is caused by the virus HIV.
It is the advance level of the infection of HIV.
Once the body has reached the level of AIDS....there is NO CURE, ONLY DEATH!!!
But treatments are recommended to prolong the lifespan of the patient.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Severe symptoms of HIV infection and AIDS may not appear for 10 years and for years leading up to that, a person may not have symptoms of AIDS.
The amount of time it takes for symptoms of AIDS to appear varies from person to person.
Some people may feel and look healthy for years while they are infected with HIV.

HIV Infection

i)extreme weakness or fatigue
ii)rapid weight loss
weight loss
iii)frequent fevers that last for several weeks with no explanation
iv)heavy sweating at night
heavy sweating
v)swollen lymph glands
swollen lymph glands
vi)minor infections that cause skin rashes and mouth, genital, and anal sores
skin rashes
vii)white spots in the mouth or throat
white spot in mouth
viii)chronic diarrhea
ix)a cough that won't go away
x)trouble remembering things
Trouble to remember


i)Pulmonary infections
ii)Gastrointestinal infections
iii)Tumors and malignancies
iv)Neurological and psychiatric involvement


  1. Is all symptoms comes at a time or one by one.
    Could you please explain it . suppose any of one symptoms come after 3-4 week of unprotected sex is cause to AIDS??

  2. this is the 1st biggest mouth i've ever seen
